Maria Garcia de Motroni

l i n k s
Children with:
Roberto Gerardo Motroni

Rolando Constantino Motroni
Mercedes (Motroni) Roche
Beatriz (Motroni) McAllister
Maria Garcia de Motroni
  • Born: 29 Sep 1918, Cuba
  • Married 27 Dec 1940 to Roberto Gerardo Motroni
  • Died: 3 Nov 05, Miami, FL

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    Maria Garcia de Motroni, born in Cuba in 1918, married Roberto Gerardo Motroni on December 27, 1940 in a double ceremony with her close friend Lilia Suarez who married Roberto's brother, Marco Antonio Motroni.
    In 1967, Maria left Cuba to come to the United States to make a better life for herself and her children. She worked in the Madame Alexander doll factory until her retirement.